
Episodes tagged with “security”

  1. 237

    Dynamic attr_accessible Other translations: Pt Es

    It is important to use attr_accessible for security with mass assignment, but what if you need it to be dynamic based on user permissions? See how in this episode.

    Tags: security rails-30 models

  2. 228

    Sortable Table Columns Other translations: It Es

    In this episode we show you how to make a table of items sortable by clicking on links in the header cells.

    Tags: views security

  3. 204

    XSS Protection in Rails 3 Other translations: Es Cn It

    In previous versions of Rails it was easy for your application to be vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks. Rails 3 solves this problem but automatically escaping output.

    Tags: rails-30 views security

  4. 178

    Seven Security Tips Other translations: Cn

    Security is paramount in your Rails applications. Here we show seven commons security flaws from mass assignment to CSRF.

    Tags: security forms views active-record

  5. 143

    PayPal Security

    Find out how to encrypt the data to send to PayPal and verify the authenticity of Instant Payment Notifications.

    Tags: tools security e-commerce

  6. 27

    Cross-site Scripting Other translations: It

    Cross-site scripting is a common security issue. FInd out why it is important to escape any user input that you display in a browser.

    Tags: security views

  7. 26

    Hackers Love Mass Assignment Other translations: It

    If you're using mass assigment you're giving complete control to your models to your users. Learn how to protect them in this episode.

    Tags: security active-record forms

  8. 25

    SQL Injection Other translations: Id It

    Attacks via SQL injection are one of the most common ways to attack web applications. Learn how to avoid being a victim of it.

    Tags: security active-record forms

  9. 20

    Restricting Access Other translations: It Es Pt Fr

    Learn how to lock your site down and keep the public from accessing the administration features,

    Tags: administration security

  10. 9

    Filtering Sensitive Logs Other translations: It Es Fr

    By default, Rails stores sensitive data in its log files. Find out how to filter it out.

    Tags: security