
15: Fun With Find Conditions 

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This episode discusses find conditions. Below are some lines from script/console, shown with the SQL that they generate.

Task.find(:all, :conditions => ["completed = ? AND priority = ?", false, 2]) SELECT * FROM "tasks" WHERE (completed = 'f' AND priority = 2)

Finding all uncompleted tasks with a priority of 2.

The example above works, but what if we’re looking for the Tasks that have a priority that is nil? Task.find(:all, :conditions => ["completed = ? AND priority = ?", false, nil]) SELECT * FROM "tasks" WHERE (completed = 'f' AND priority = NULL)

Searching for null values generates incorrect SQL.

The SQL generated above is incorrect. When searching for null values the correct syntax would be priority IS NULL, not priority = NULL. Similarly if we were searching for more than one priority value using an array or range we’d have to change the find string to use IN rather than =, and put brackets around the second question mark in order to ensure that the SQL generated had the correct syntax.

Task.find(:all, :conditions => ["completed = ? AND priority IN (?)", false, [1,3]]) SELECT * FROM "tasks" WHERE (completed = 'f' AND priority IN (1,3)

Since Rails 1.2 there has been a better way to pass conditions: via a hash. Using a hash of conditions ensures that Rails uses the correct conditions when querying the database.

Task.find(:all, :conditions => { :completed => false, priority => [1,3] } SELECT * FROM "tasks" WHERE (completed = 'f' AND priority IN (1,3)

Using a hash of conditions with an array parameter.

Task.find(:all, :conditions => {:completed => false, :priority => 2..4})SELECT * FROM "tasks" WHERE ("tasks"."priority" BETWEEN 2 AND 4 AND "tasks"."completed" = 'f')

Pass a range and BETWEEN will be used in the SQL.

Using with dynamic finds

Back in episode 2 we used dynamic find_by methods. These can also take nil, array or range arguments.

Task.find_by_priority(1..5)SELECT * FROM "tasks" WHERE ("tasks"."priority" BETWEEN 1 AND 5) LIMIT 1

Using a hash of find conditions ensures that Rails generates the correct SQL when passing any type of parameter to the find.